Friday, April 26, 2002
That's been the state of my "equipment" since the vasectomy. I managed to remove the bandage on Tuesday, and found everything discoloured from internal bruising. Ugh. Let’s just say I've taken a lot of Tylenol 3 in the past few days, which unfortunately leaves me very groggy and not very "sharp".
I originally planned on coming into work on Friday, but it quickly became apparent by Thursday that that wasn't going to happen -- I still hadn't been able to walk down the street nevermind commuting to Oakville. By Friday I was getting really sick of being in constant pain, though I am clearly on the mend. Erika has been great through all of this, and I appreciate her efforts to make things easy for me.
I only wish I had had a cold compress that was loaned to me by Martine (whose own husband went through the same thing a few years ago) earlier. I had been told to apply ice to any swollen areas, but I couldn’t see how how or where I could apply it without causing more hurt – a cold compress filled with some sort of antifreeze proved to be the only thing that effectively reduced the swelling.
Like I said before, ugh.
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