Wednesday, June 18, 2003

WebReference ArticleI Get Another Writing Credit
One of the things that I've been trying to do is to see whether or not I can get more writing gigs. A small triumph: today I can claim another writing credit - this time for WebReference. The first of at least a couple of articles on CSS color values. Not for pay unfortunately, but another writing credit is another writing credit, but along the way I have also landed a deal to write JavaScript-related articles for them, which will be for pay. In addition they will are also planning to run excerpts from a chapter of my forthcoming book over the month of August, which will give some extra publicity for the book.

I've also made a few pitches for book ideas at several other (print) publishers. Some interest, but so far no actual bites. Just have to keep plugging at it.

Interesting side note: I tried pitching a version of my story about go to the arcade/pinball auction (and the reasons behind it) to The Star and The National Post. My email to The Star has fallen into the virtual equivalent of a black hole, but I did get a reply from the Life editor at The National Post. Unfortunately she said that she doesn't have any extra money to pay freelancers in her section at the moment. I only mention this because there have been persistent rumours floating around about The Post's imminent demise. It seems like people have been saying that for a while now, but I find it interesting that they have no money to pay freelancers - it would not seem to bode well. Am not sure it's really up The Globe's alley, but they are trying to be more "hip" these days, so will see if it flies. Just got to keep plugging...

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