Saturday, January 29, 2005
Managed to get up and teach the PHP/MySQL course today, the fourth go around in the past two or so years. I never get as many students for this course as I do for my Information Architecture course (which thankfully I am not teaching concurrently for once) but it does bring in enough people each time to make it worth the PLC's while to run. This time I have eight students.
Last time I largely had a group of beginners. They were relatively easy to please. This time, even though the course is advertised as an introductory course, I have got several hard core programmers -- including one fellow who is willing to make a commute from Sault St. Marie, an 11 hour commute -- along with a couple of relative newbies. So I have a real challenge on my hands: teach the basics to those who need it while still try to keep things interesting for the more experienced students, who could probably run programmatic rings about me in any other language.
This one looks like it is going to be stretch my teaching abilities, as I attempt to juggle the basics alongside more advanced material. Good thing I like a challenge. ;-)
I got through teaching the course alright, but went home and collapsed for the rest of the afternoon on the bed.
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