Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Bugs! at the Science Centre
As members of the Ontario Science Centre we were sent an invitation early in the month to see an initial screening of a new Imax film, entitled Bugs!

We booked for a Sunday morning screening, so that we could all go to it. We arrived just in time to take our seats, and see the story of a preying mantis and caterpillar and watch them as they hatch out of the egg, grow, and in the caterpillar’s case, become a butterfly. There's also a fatal encounter for the butterfly with the preying mantis, but not before having reproduced first (so the story goes). Vanessa was very concerned when she first saw the two "characters" together, and while I expected tears from her when they "met"; I was relieved when that didn't happen. The whole thing was more hokey than the typical Imax films I have seen -- the death scene for the butterfly concludes with the two uneaten wings falling together into a stream heading out to the sea (I wonder how many butterflies were sacrificed to get that shot) -- but the kids enjoyed it.

Afterwards there was an interesting talk by a Prof. Darling from the R.O.M. who is an entomologist that makes regular trips to study insects in Borneo. This included lots of pictures of the local people, scenery, and of course the bugs he studies.

Afterwards all of the members who attended the show who wanted one were given a poster of the movie, and a lollipop containing a cricket. I got a couple of those for the girls, who were of course initially revolted. Erika went on to pick one up and show them that the lollipop was in fact very yummy. Vanessa was convinced enough to have hers, and Annie wasn't.

Didn't stay at the Science Centre, as there were thing I had to do (the website and create a draft of the BTRA newsletter), and Erika wanted to get the kids out to enjoy the sunny weather.

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