Sunday, May 03, 2009
A Walk Down by Woodbine Park and Woodbine Beach

A trio of daffodils shot at mid-day down by Woodbine Park

This Mourning Dove paitently let me take a photo of it.

Some sort of goose(?) shot from amongst the reeds at Woodbine Beach.
There were a few guesses out on what this bird is, but a birder friend of mine thinks it is likely a Muscovy Duck, possibly a Muscovy/Mallard hybrid. Almost certainly an immature hen, since it doesn't look like a Muscovy male at all.

I stumbled upon the starting point for the "Steps for Life" ( walk while down at Woodbine Beach. All along the pathway were small signs to commemorate people killed in various workplace accidents over the years. Took a pic of the people coming around a bend in the path they were to follow, which I think gives a sense as to the turnout they had.
Labels: Daffodils, Mourning Dove, Steps for Life, Woodbine Beach, woodbine park
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