Monday, February 26, 2001

Ahh. Figured it out. Wasn't telling blogger the full ftp path to my weblog file. Doh! Things are up and running now. Yippee! My inspiration for doing this was doing an article for The Computer Paper on Blogger sites. What can I say, I liked the outlet for personal expression. I also think it is something I need to do more of at this stage of my life. I'm conscious of the fact that the last time I kept any sort of diary was when I was a teen. This was many years ago (i.e. 10 years of marriage, 1 kid, 1 masters degree and two bachelors degrees ago). Actually, I realize I did that at the suggestion of a writing class I was in during high school. And what did I end up doing but begin a career as a technical writer. I would probably still be doing that if it weren't for the fact that I ended up writing the manual for an early Web browser called Cyberjack for Delrina. Since I had to learn HTML to do that, I was seconded to work on the nascent Delrina Web site -- and then the Symantec Web site. Then I wrote the first of three books on HTML-related subjects. Given that background, who know's what'll happen once I get this going. ;-) Still haven't written the great Canadian novel yet, though... Maybe this'll get my creative juices flowing again.

Let's try this again... Testing, testing, one, two, three... Nothing yet...

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