Thursday, April 19, 2001

Wife came back about an hour ago from her film shoot, and we talked for a bit after she crawled into bed. Unfortunately, this woke me up from what otherwise was a very pleasant and deep sleep. So here I am, drinking some juice, having taken an aspirin and listening to a RealAudio broadcast of A Prairie Home Companion. Am hoping this combination will lull me to sleep. I remember that this sort of thing was fairly common the last time my wife was pregnant, where in her final trimester she'd get pretty restless, waking me up in the process. She likes to think that this is a way to get would-be parents "in practice" for sleeplessness for when the baby is born. ;-) There's no direct connection this time, save for the fact that my wife is nearing the stage of her final trimester for baby #2, and that I'll probably be doing more postings at odd hours o' the night...
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