Saturday, April 21, 2001

To Fauve or Not to Fauve?
As a gift from my sister-in-law, we got the painting (on the left) of our daughter, based on a picture that had been given to the artist (on the right). I have to admit my initial reaction was that it was too Fauve-y for my tastes -- that green is really neon-y. But, over the course of the week, it has really grown on me, largely because it is so cheery. What I find interesting is what the artist did over the original picture. In the original picture. ol' Barney's face is facing inwards, in the picture he is facing outwards, looking a little like he is being strangled, which is pretty accurate depiction -- in its own way. The change of colours is also interesting: a purple dino is made blue, a yellow sweater is made bright neon-green, and the flesh colour are, um, enhanced. Still, I find it bright and cheery, and I'm obviously biased in terms of subject matter. I think we'll keep it. ;-)

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