Wednesday, July 04, 2001

Countdown to Baby #2
As of today, there is now less than a month before Schengili-Roberts' child #2 appears on the scene. We do not know the sex of the child, as he/she was not in the proper position during the last ultrasound. Have long been preparing Vanessa to become a "big sister", but am sure she will find it to be a big change in her life. Heck, it's going to be a big change in all our lives. ;-) Erika is definitely getting tired of being pregnant. She needs her mid-day nap more and more, especially as she is having trouble getting to sleep of an evening. Every now and then she marvels aloud about how some women seem to enjoy being repeatedly pregnant -- she is not part of that crowd, needless to say. It is also amusing to see the baby squirming around, changing position in Mommy's belly -- Erika can't help but sometimes make reference a similar scene from Alien. Let's hope the baby will be better behaved. ;-) Am wishing for another girl (and I will be supremely happy at whatever appears), though since this seems to be such an active baby -- what with its constant wriggling around -- a number of people have said that they think it will be a boy. A local self-proclaimed witch has also said it will be a boy. Right... Of course, it is a 50/50 chance either way. It's Coming: Core CSS, 2nd Edition
Just yesterday I got word that my proposal for a new edition of my Core CSS has been approved, and that Prentice Hall wants to move forward with things as quickly as possible. I'm not pulling an Osborne here (which killed sales of its best-selling computer by pre-emptively announcing its successor), since the print run of the first edition has been sold out (all 8,000 copies). While I won't reveal too much here, I plan on having many more examples of code, an expanded usability chart, and a wholly new section on the evolving CSS3 specification. Look for more updates here. This will be my fourth computer book. This will be a lot of work, but what can I say, I love doing it. Got CSS code you are proud of? Send it my way and I'll give you due credit in the book if I use it!

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