Thursday, July 12, 2001

Gotta love usenet. About a month or so ago a new Usenet newsgroup turned up on my Rogers @Home newserver. Have been checking it on an almost daily basis primarily scooping BBC comedy shows. There are all of the things you'd expect, such as The Goon Show, I'm Sorry, I'll Read that Again and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, been there's been some real gems I'd never heard of before, such as The Burkiss Way (a real discovery -- very warped), Saturday Night Fry, and other fun shows like Seymour the Fractal Cat, Paradise Lost in Space and other such shows. These are all things that never made it over here (or if they did, it wasn't for long).

Over the past few days have listened to a completely chaotic Ostrich-strangling interview (if you can call it that) with Spike Milligan of The Goons, a tribute to recently deceased fellow Goon Harry Secombe, a funny and sad "interview" with Peter Cook a year before he died, doing his famous Sir Arthur Streeb-Greebling character. All marvelous stuff.

Now if only a newsgroup equivalent for the CBC would come along...

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