Wednesday, August 01, 2001
In comparison to the previous story this seems like small potatoes, but the DNS entry for I registered a couple of days ago at the suggestion of my publisher has been successful propagated (in other words, the domain name is now recognized as valid). There's only a holding page there now, but time and circumstances allowing, will fill it with content soon.
Am think of simply dropping my existing (and pretty much moribund) site in favour of working on this site. A man can only work on so many web sites you know! ;-)
Erika just got back from the midwife's. She is 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. She could be in this state for several days apparently, and Erika is not in active labour, hence I am not rushing back from work. However, Erika will almost certainly not go long past term.

Erika's father visited her briefly at our home yesterday, while traveling on his way down from his place in Georgian Bay, stopping off in Toronto in order to catch a plane back to his home in France. He brought back some beer, pop and food that otherwise would have languished for months in his fridge up north (we dined on some delicious stake he had brought down with him). But the piece de resistance was a pair of 2" thick cedar Muskoka chairs from the Muskoka Chair Company. There is nothing like slipping back into a Muskoka chair in the shade on a hot summer day.
Man, this brings back memories for me. When my parents bought their place up in Keswick back in 1969, the place came with a couple of Muskoka chairs. But after several years they fell apart as rot and various wood-boring critters took their toll on them. I also remember sitting in such chairs as a kid, my feet sticking straight up in the air (as if it were a lounger for an adult) while vacationing at a lodge on Lake Kashagawigamog in the early- to mid-1970s.
I remember commenting to Erika that we may not have our hammocks set up yet, but these chairs are a damn good substitute! Love those chairs! ;-)
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