Sunday, August 12, 2001

A Tired (But Happy) Parent
Little Annie is beginning to get into something like a regular sleep schedule. Erika typically gives Annie a feed around 8-9pm, and then Erika goes to bed, and I am handed Annie in her portable baby hamper, hopefully on the verge of sleep. I then stay with Annie until her next feeding, which is typically about 3 or 4 hours later. Then we both go to bed, and hopefully Annie sleeps through the night (the longest stretch so far is about 6 hours). Her parents are still tired, but this sensible arrangement ensures that we get some sleep anyways!

We are lucky in that (so far) Annie seems to be a very placid baby -- she rarely kicks up a real fuss, save for a good reason (i.e. needing food, diaper change, burping, etc). At just over a week she is becoming more and more animated, and her deep blue (almost black) eyes are more attentive, and seemingly taking more in.

As I write, Annie is still asleep on the floor of my home office (in her portable baby hamper), gently gurgling and snoring away as I type.

Progress on the Family History Front
In the course of two days earlier this week, I received separate packages from my Aunt Edith C. and from my Uncle John A., both containing a wealth of information about my paternal and maternal families respectively. My Aunt Edith sent me a cassette containing about 60+ minutes of what she remembers of her parents, my father and extended family. She also sent along a couple of maps of Liverpool, with areas of interest (including places of residence, schools attended, stores they once ran, and graveyards containing various Robertses and Okills). Am hoping that if it is feasible, during my upcoming business trip to London, I can make a day trip to Liverpool, and see some of these sites. (I may also indulge my interest in The Beatles while there too. ;-)

Learned quite a bit about my father I didn't previously know. I hadn't realized that he was briefly stationed in Durban, South Africa, prior to being stationed in the Middle East. Or the details behind how he devoted himself to horology, his relations with his parents and a lot more.

From my Uncle John A., I got a package containing a number of photocopies of birth and marriage certificates that apparently had been overlooked during our visit with them. Have just finished inputting the relevant info into Legacy Family Tree, and it manages to clear up a number of details (such as birth dates, professions of various fathers, addresses where they lived, etc). All fascinating stuff, and all of which potentially provides more leads to other areas of research.

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