Tuesday, January 29, 2002

Playing with Toby's Head
Sometimes I have to take some time-out and have some fun. Below is the most recent manifestation of this philosophy...

Some explanation is needed. Toby (depicted above) has a Website called bucket-o-brains.com. When I saw him again at the pub with Sinister Pete on Saturday, he mentioned how he'd like to revamp his site, and have an animation on it where "a brain falls into a bucket, the brain wiggles and knocks over the bucket", as an ersatz explanation for the name for his site. So I ended up running with the idea, and what you see is the result...

Having done it, I realize that there's a lot of fine touches missing from it, so it's not exactly "professional". But I learned some fresh Flash tricks in the process (especially with regards layering effects). I also wished that Flash had a more robust "lasso" tool -- having to trace the outlines of such things as sections of Toby's face, the robot arms and bucket -- all in one go apiece -- was painful! But it was a fun thing to do. ;-)

Some good news on the Toby front -- I heard from him yesterday that he'd just landed an 8-month programming consultant at a Canadian bank. So he got exactly what he wanted. He also read my blog account of Saturday and think I overstated his poor health, and wanted me to mention the fact that he thought that the doctor who recommended the translated was essentially "looking for business".

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