Tuesday, February 19, 2002
This morning I realized that the ol’ hit counter has just gone past the 4,000 mark. I know that this is not just me revisiting the page, checking my edits -- there has to be some "real" people (perhaps regulars?) who are reading this page.
I know who some of you are, but I bet I don’t know you all. For the heck of it, drop me a line at robertskATrogers.com (replace the “AT” with a “@”) and lemme know what you think.
If there’s enough interest, I’ll add a comment mechanism to the site. You can either tell me what I dunce I am, or let me know why you like and visit the site (hopefully more of the latter than the former. ;-)
Baby Annie Teething, But Sleeping...
Since the weekend, and possibly before, little Annie has been pretty fussy. Yesterday, she ended up sleeping for much of the day, and has begun to sleep through the night for several nights running (yippee!)
She’s got her two bottom incisors, but she’s drooling and biting things a lot, which, combined with her easy-to-upset nature of late, leads us to believe that the top matching teeth are beginning to come in.
Thankfully, we think she’s also going through a growth spurt: hence the sleeping through the night and her voracious appetite of late.
The sleep is much welcome. As soon as she finishes her current teething, assuming she still sleeps through the night we will transfer her out her crib in the small laundry room adjacent to our bedroom and into what will be her bedroom beside Vanessa’s room on the top floor.
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