Friday, March 01, 2002
Went to the doctor yesterday for a long put-off check-up. In short, I’m in perfectly good health, albeit overweight (though not so much as to be cause for alarm).
One interesting development is the fact that I am taller than I thought I was. Ever since puberty I’ve been telling people I’m 6ft 1 1/2in tall. This was my father’s height, and I believe my Uncle John’s as well (prior to both of then shrinking somewhat as they entered their 70s). So I was somewhat surprised when I was measured and found that I am 6ft 2in (and no, I wasn’t wearing shows or thick socks at the time). I don’t think I’ve measured my height since I was in my 20s, and I find it hard to believe that I would have grown somehow by a half-inch in the meantime.
Not that this really matters much, I was just somewhat surprised about a difference in a this personal measure.
Guess I’ll have to get used to walking a bit taller. ;-)
Baby Not Quite as Settled as We’d Hoped
The past few nights have been a little rough baby-wise. The first night in her new room, Annie peacefully slept through the night. Not so on all of the subsequent nights.
In a nutshell, Annie tends to wake up somewhere between 11pm – 1am, and cry either until she is sufficiently comforted or has some Mother’s milk. Last night she was almost inconsolable, crying for almost an hour until I finally went upstairs and allowed her to gently fall asleep on my chest while gently rocking back and forth in the reclining chair in that room. She subsequently woke up again in her crib upon hearing the creaks in the stairway while I headed back downstairs into bed, but at least she drifted off back asleep soon after.
In absolute terms it isn’t so bad really, but it still adds up to a general lack of sleep for us. I am thankful that at least Vanessa -- who is next door to all of this crying – claims to sleep through all of this.
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