Monday, April 01, 2002
Is this a "Dad Moment" or what: I woke up with a start this morning, realizing that I hadn't emptied the diaper genies of their contents, and put them into the disposal bin for pickup by the recycling company. So I got up and did this task before even having my morning tea.
Much of the rest of the day was spent polishing off that long chapter on Aural Style Sheets (ACCS) for the CSS book. Discovered that the major browsers still don't support, though I found one that did: Emacspeak. Will need a Linux install to test it out though.
I also found a very cool new Quake 1 server today -- which is a rare thing these days. Its the latest of a handful of Rune quake servers. What makes this one interesting is that one of its instigators is a "Rune developer", programming new characteristics for runes, as well as a bunch of some of the better "open-source" maps. I got completely hammered in my initial one-on-one game with the site's owner, but playing on a novel level with some loopy runes was a treat. Not bad for a 6-year old video game. ;-)
My main treat for the day was to use my birthday book certificate at the local bookstore, where I picked up The Lost Tomb (of Rameses II) by its discoverer Kent Weeks, topped off by a trip to Starbucks for a mocha frappacino with a squirt of mint.
Erika and the kids arrived home from Deloro at around 5pm. Unfortunately each of them had fallen sick at some point over the weekend, and apparently Jean came back with them, doing her best to hold off being sick the whole trip back. All of them were wiped, little Annie even had bags under her eyes, she was so tired. Got lots of smiles from her though, which has gotten much more visibly toothy now that she has four front teeth coming in all at once. I got lots of hugs from Vanessa as well, and as I put her to bed for the night, she promised take make me a birthday cake for tomorrow. ;-)
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