Wednesday, April 10, 2002

Annie Sits Up by Herself
A baby milestone happened today. I wasn't a witness to it but here's the story: Erika dropped by her Mother's place during the day and she left Annie with her Mother while she escorted Vanessa to school.

In an effort to see where Mom was going, Annie rolled and figured out how to sit up all by herself in the process. She was so pleased with herself that she smiled a big toothy grin at her Grandma and excitedly clapped her feet together. (And I mean "feet").

It's only a matter of time now before she figures out how to crawl.

Other baby news includes the fact that she is slowly being weaned, and she will now drink from a baby bottle -- and will do so eagerly if she can hold the bottle herself.

Today over lunchtime I picked up a copy of Nigella Lawson's How to Eat as pre-birthday treat for Erika. I got the request yesterday, after Erika saw her first episode of Nigella Bites the previous night on television.

The appealing thing about Nigella's approach is that the recipes are simple and not at all fussy. No Martha Stewart is she; "perfection" is an enjoyable meal that you didn't have to turn yourself into a pretzel for in order to make it.

The book looks good from what little I saw of it, though I had to translate some English-isms for Erika, like mangetout or gelatin leaves (neither of which I had run across previously either).

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