Thursday, April 11, 2002

Filming Season Returns to Toronto
It never really went away, as filming goes on here year-round, but there definitely seems to be a resurgence in locally-shot productions when the weather turns nicer.

Coming home from work, I noticed some of the distinctive orange cones saying "FILM" lining the west entrance to Union Station. Turns out they were shooting a scene from a TV series called "Witchblade" in the west parking court. A lot of extras were holding signs saying "Death to Darak" and "No Killers Here" etc and then, on cue, they began jeering and shouting and throwing the occasional sponge rock at the presumed bad guy. Very amusing to watch an otherwise placid bunch of Torontonians go suddenly rabid at the drop of a hat.

Erika has correspondingly received more calls for work as well. Tomorrow she works as a mixer on a documentary TV series about people who have had or about the have plastic surgery.

Erika has decided to go whole hog on the mixing end of things, and plans to start investing in a "package", meaning all of the expensive gear she needs to do this. She’s decided that the life of being a house-bound Mom is really not for her, and she itching to get out and do some work.

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