Friday, August 23, 2002

I was checking out some stories on The Register (US) today, looking for some good tech-related stories. (When I can't find anything interesting on /. I check out The Reg.
I clicked on this story and lo-and-behold, there's a vertical Web banner featuring my 4-year old book "The Advanced HTML Companion" in between supposedly current products like the digital cameras, the MP3 player and a desktop tower computer (which looks suspiciously like my Dell Dimension). It's easy to spot – it is the only vaguely colourful thing in the picture (boy, most computer stuff looks pretty drab, doesn’t it?) I have to say I was pleasantly surprised to see my olde computer booke in amongst all of this ostensibly modern gear.
So of course I have to click on the banner and find out more about the advertising company,, behind it. They sell computers and the latest peripherals. The kicker is that they don't sell computer books! Ha!
I feel I ought to send them a cheeky email about wanting to buy the book in their banner ad, but I don't want them to take it the wrong way and possibly pull my book from their ad. I'd like to think that whoever put that ad together once bought and liked my book, though it may have just been chosen for its colourful nature.
Will have to mention this to my co-author for that book, Kim Silk. I imagine she'll get a minor kick out of it too.
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