Monday, September 09, 2002
RestHaven was a place recommended by one of the nurses at the hospital where Mom is staying, so I arranged to see it today (they only schedule tours during the week). It seems like a good candidate. It at least didn't give me the willies, which I've had at more than one place already... It's based in Aurora, which is situated south of Newmarket, and so is closer to us, but is still within striking distance of her friends in Keswick. Am going to be checking another one out early next week (they're all seemingly pretty strict about specific guided-tour times).
The place was clean, and the residents seemingly in good spirits, at least relatively speaking. The average age of the residents there is several years older than Mom, but I couldn’t help thinking that by comparison, Mom looked a lot more frail than pretty much all of the people there, so I’m sure she’ll get good care there.
The way I gather things are likely to work out at this point are as follows: Mom will stay where she is on the first floor palliative care ward until a space opens up in the geriatric ward. From there, she will wait until a bed comes available in one of the three nursing homes I've selected on her behalf (one of which is the one I just visited). She is most likely to get a ward space at first (i.e. large hospital-style room with four beds), and then upgrade to a two-bed ward semi-private when one becomes available. Still don't have the official word from the doctor as yet ensuring that the process of moving her away from the possibility of home care as yet, but am working on this assumption -- I pretty much have to.
I am relieved that Mom has at least seemingly come around to the idea of the possibility of staying in a nursing home, recognizing that she is not doing so well in her present state.
Talked to Erika by phone in the evening, and she laughed when I mentioned the name of the nursing home I visited today. Turns out the name for the fictitious nursing home -- where I gather the patriarch of the family (being played by Christopher Plumber, squeezing in a small movie role during his theatrical run as King Lear at Stratford) gets bumped off.
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