Tuesday, October 08, 2002

Mom Moves into the Nursing Home
I got up at the squawk of dawn in an effort to meet Mom as she was delivered by ambulance from the hospital to the nursing home. My timing was good, as I got there within a few minutes of her arrival.

This was not one of her "good" days. I gather from a contact at the hospital that she had some bad nights previously, worrying about where she was going to. Mom was out of sorts when I saw her but I did my best to comfort her and get her settled in. I unpacked all of her clothes and the few other items she had from the hospital, set up some pictures, and just tried to reassure her.

Her room is directly across from the nursing station, and she lucked out by getting the side of the room with a window, which has a nice view of the estate, and will look down on where they are planning to have a garden next year.

After signing my life away with reams of paperwork, and signing her up for various services (laundry, flu shots, hairdressing services) I got a staff member to give us both a tour of the place. The highlight for her was seeing the birds in the foyer on the first floor, though she got to see where everything was.

She hadn't got a portable supply of oxygen as yet (though I gather that was taken care of later that day) so a meal was brought up to her room.

She was invited by one of the nurses to attend a bingo being held that night by the local Rotarians at the nursing home. She seemed to perk up at that idea, and arrangements were made for some temporary oxygen to ensure she could go to the event.

She looked a bit sad and bewildered as I left her, after giving her a gentle hug and kiss goodbye. Guilt. I know it's the best thing for her. Guilt. The activities here will undoubtedly perk her up. Guilt. I've been continually impressed by the quality and cheeriness of the nursing staff. Guilt. It needs to be done.

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