Saturday, October 12, 2002
A summary of the day:
- got girls dressed, ready for Vanessa's ballet class (inadvertently waking a sleep-deprived, and consequently grumpy, Erika in the process)
- got to the class; discover the ballet instructor is a no-show, but let kids have fun in play room in order o give Erika a chance to pack for their trip to Deloro.
- get home, bundle things/people into vehicle; wave goodbye as they drive off
- have first, much-needed cup of tea
- pack backpack and head to Aurora to see Mom in nursing home; set up extension cord for new TV, am pleased that the guy from The Sony Store seems to have done a good job, which is just as well considering; brief chat with Mom, then off to catch next bus to Keswick.
- get there; call person at local food bank who picks up Mom's dry goods and unopened frozen foods; also end up donating several blankets and plush animals (the later for Xmas toy drive).
- collect together a chair, small living-room dresser, portable CD player, selected video tapes, clothes and paintings; call local cab service and off we head to Aurora
- arrive to find Mom about to take a bath; perfect chance allowing me to set everything up for her quickly; I manage to finish off as she returns; we chat for a while, a nurse brings me a cup of tea, and Mom and I watch and old, taped show of Morecambe and Wise together
- I leave, and just miss a bus heading south; decide to see just how far away central Oak Ridges is by foot -- get to main intersection a half hour later and hail the next bus
- Finch. Bloor. Manage to finish off the book I started reading on my way up: The Computer: An Illustrated History from Taschen; will end up reviewing it for The Computer Paper. Make it to Woodbine. Discover that the next Woodbine bus comes in half an hour; decide to walk home.
- Arrive home. It’s about 9pm or so. Wiped. Try to work on book, but instead end up watching the first couple of episodes of Band of Brothers thanks to KaZaA. A quality show. Crash out.
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