Friday, November 08, 2002

Saw "Punch Drunk Love"
Took Erika out for a long-overdue date. Had a pleasant dinner downstairs at Murphy's Law, and after a leisurely meal, walked across the street to the movie theatre.

We ended up seeing "Punch Drunk Love". Now I've seen it all. Adam Sandler does an art house film. Definitely not for everybody, but we both thought it was great. This movie does prove that with the man can act. It bears watching again for all of the small details (especially the lighting and sound tricks) that appear throughout the film.

8.5lbs of Books
I had to return a long overdue book (which I had given up on) to the Oakville Library, and discovered that the Oakville Friends of the Library were holding their semi-annual book sale today. I picked up some interesting titles there last time I was there, and for $1 per pound of books it seemed hard to go wrong.

So I walked out with 8.5lbs of books. This may seem like a lot of books, but in fact I only walked away with 4 rather heavy tomes, and they are hefty in more ways than one. I picked up a relatively recent 3-volume full edition of Edward Gibbon's "Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire". I figure that will keep me busy for a while. ;-) The fourth book was a copy of Paul Theroux's "The Pillars of Hercules". I grabbed that one because it's his tour of the Mediterranean, so I figured it would be a good read prior to hitting the south of France again. I was hoping to find a travel book about the Virgin Islands (which we have pretty much decided to head to immediately after Xmas), but no luck there.

I almost walked away with a copy of "The Fatal Shore", Robert Hughes' history of Australia, but I was afraid my backpack couldn’t take the strain of another heavy tome. If it is still there on Monday, I'll grab it. ;-)

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