Friday, November 29, 2002

After making arrangements earlier in the week to get a baby-sitter for the evening, I took Erika out for dinner at the local pub, and then we walked across the street to see the latest Harry Potter film.
It was lots of fun, and at least this time we were all familiar with the characters, so not much time was spent going over background we all already knew anyways. It was a fun romp, relatively well-paced given it's length. The special effects were much improved over the last one -- I gather that the previous firm was dropped (fired?) in favour of Industrial Light and Magic, and certainly the effects are virtually seamless, particularly the character of Dobby the House Elf, who look and acts believable, and the basilisk certainly is credible (though I'd say less so for Fawkes the Phoenix, though it may have been puppetry rather than computer animation I was viewing when I thought that).
Still, as I remarked to Erika afterwards, the movie really seemed to lack "spark". Erika thought that the director wasn't pulling stellar performances from the cast, and I had to agree -- though we both agreed that Brannaugh did a great over-the-top performance as Gilderoy, and the actor who plays Malfoy's father does so with a perfectly controlled, menace. Unfortunately Ron Weasely comes across more as comic relief than the strong, ballsy character as written the stories, perennially sounding and acting scared, timidly following his friend Harry.
Fun, though we both agreed that the impending switch in directors is probably a good thing for this movie series.
The other day I checked to see if by any chance there was a dive shop in Oakville. It turned out that there was, and that it was within walking distance of the office. So today I decided to head to it.
What can I say: I'm keen to head back to the BVI's. ;-)
Met the very talkative store manager, and asked him to walk me through the type of equipment best suited for basic snorkeling. As I sport a mustache, getting the right type of goggles was crucial (I ended up getting a pair with allowed me to expel air through the nosepiece) and he told me stories about the various types of ways other mustachioed divers try to seal off their masks: Vaseline (works but messy to get off), toothpaste (works well but tends to wear off) and various types of moustache wax. Then there's shaving -- which I may opt for if the toothpaste option doesn't work.
He also pointed me in the direction of some books about the BVI's, and in particular a semi-recent Lonely Planet book sounds interesting.
In addition to the mask and snorkel, I ordered a pair of flippers (black, and my size! -- none of the ones Joseph had fitted me properly). Will have to head back to see whether or not they have a "glass-bottomed bucket" so that Vanessa can peer under the water.
When I got home I sported the goggles and snorkel for the kids. Subsequently, Annie had a great time running around the house with the goggles in her hand, and I of course chased her, to her squealing delight.
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