Sunday, December 15, 2002

Donating Computer Books to the U. of T.
If you didn’t already know it, I am the computer book reviewer for a local computer magazine, and I get literally boxes and boxes worth of books to look at and hopefully review. I always get more than I actually ask for, and sometimes on topics I know little or nothing about (though I am always happen to learn about them in the review process). But over time they books literally pile up.

I used to donate those titles I didn’t keep to the local public library, but once during a visit I decided to see if I could track down a few of the titles I had dropped off, and couldn’t find any of them. I could only conclude that they were either whisked away for use at another branch, were sold off or perhaps filched by library employees. So when I mentioned my situation to my contact at the Faculty of Information Studies at the University of Toronto (where I teach my course) she said that they’d be happy to take them off my hands.

So yesterday I finished making a large pile of books so that Karen M. from the school could pick them up. In all there must have been about 35-40 such titles, making a nice 5ft pile of books (with most of them stacked in boxes). I feel good that the school is getting such useful (and let’s face it, often prohibitively expensive) computer books, and I also get a nominal tax break for the donation.

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