Sunday, January 19, 2003

Last Chapter of Book Finished
Erika headed up north with the kids this weekend, giving me the chance to finish off the last chapter of the book.

Chapter 12, which deals with CSS "box properties" easily turned out to be the longest chapter in the entire book, at just over 100 pages long (not double-spaced either, though that count does include 33 illustrations). It's taken a long time, but this is a major milestone in the writing of the book -- now I just have to deal with a few more chapter revisions and compile the two remaining appendices and it is done.

That evening Erika asked me about how much I was getting paid for all of this. Considering the amount of time I've put into this, it really isn't much in terms of compensation. But by the same token, having several book credits under one's belt looks good on a resume, and the one sure way to really learn a subject is to write a book about it. It's also very nice when the royalty cheques come in. ;-)

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