Thursday, January 23, 2003

Annie's Vocabulary
Little Annie has developed a truly charming personality, and repeats one of the few words in her vocabulary -- "Hi!" -- cheerily and as often as possible. It's great coming back from the office or even just coming upstairs from my basement office when I work at home and be greeted by a little, cherubic face smiling at me and going "hi".

She has some other interesting words too. One of them is "cookie", which she says with a cookie-monster accent. This word stands in for any sort of treat she might request or be given. I was surprised earlier this evening by one word I didn't know she knew: "hot dog". I ended up cooking dinner last night and I cooked up stuff I knew the kids would like and that was fast: macaroni and cheese and hot dogs. ;-) So I said the word, and immediately it was echoed back to me with conviction. Turns out that this is a staple food over lunchtimes, hence her familiarity with it.

We've both noticed recently that Annie seems to be particularly clingy of late. This may be an after-effect of when we were all gone on vacation earlier in the month. There's nothing sadder than seeing a little puddle of a girl crying I'm stepping outside for a moment, though she radiates a smiles and begs to be picked up when I return.

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