Thursday, February 27, 2003

Resurrected Dell
In the early afternoon Peter L. from work managed to drop by and make a housecall on my sick Dell machine. I had determined the other day at the office that in fact the memory was not at fault, as both worked correctly on a test machine at the office. Thus loomed the specter of a deeper, hardware failure.

Initially, there were a lot of "uh oh"s and "it doesn't look good"s. Last thing I wanted was to have to ship the whole machine back to Dell. Then Peter noticed that a jumper on the motherboard had been knocked lose, and it didn't seem to be connected properly. He put it back down and things started coming back to life. After getting some confident-sounding start-up beeps, he decided to put all of the drives back in. Things never work the first time when you re-assemble all of this sort of hardware – but amazingly, it did. Even the network connection was fully restored. Great work, and it's good to be back working on my uncramped, "natural" keyboard again.

In the afternoon, I took Vanessa to her swim lesson at the Williamson Road school's pool. She's now at the point where she doesn't require a parent to hover around her, which, as it turns out, is a better arrangement since she doesn't "play up" to one of the parents. It is kept very warm there, and the upper observation deck is almost tropical in its heat and humidity – I would have loved to have done some laps while Vanessa was taking her lesson.

Got back, and immediately went out again to have a dinner at Licks with everybody. Annie got too excited to have much in the way of dinner, and plunged her way into the small throng of children playing in the play area. She got knocked down plenty of times but she is tough, getting up each time with no fuss. Occasionally she would make her way back to the table to grab a French fry or take a sup of her drink and then head back to the play area.

Worked into the evening on various work-related projects that needed to get done.

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