Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Do I Take the Course or Not?
After submitting the handout material for my CSS course yesterday, I figured I hadn’t really enough for a whole class, and so I did up another supplementary handout containing nothing but Internet Explorer filter examples. It should definitely increase the “wow”-factor in-class, and certainly help round out class time. I also sat down and finished off my presentation material for the class. The further I get into teaching this course, the more confident – and less nervous – I get about doing it.

I realized today that the Linux course I originally wanted to take begins next week. I talked to a rep at Red Hat as to the feasibility of doing the beginning and certification course concurrently, and he assured me I could – it would be challenging to a real beginner, but it should prove too challenging to somebody like me who already has some real-world experience in the area. I even negotiated the price down significantly. So the question now is: should I do it?

Even with the price reduction, the expense is still considerable. Having just been laid-off, this is not a trifling matter. And there is no guarantee that the job I end up getting will necessarily be computer-related – but I am still leaning towards going for it and getting the certification.

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