Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Second Day of Red Hat Linux System Administration Course
Covered another three units of hard core sysadmin info today. For the record, we looked at: Lots of interesting stuff, all of it pretty heavy-duty for me. In the next couple of days we'll be looking at RPM, Boot Loaders, Kickstart, Kernel Services and Configuration, X Windows and Troubleshooting Procedures (all titles of the following sections).

I've pretty much decided to defer taking the exam until August -- I think I need to digest and play around with more of this material before I feel confident about it. Having said that though, I know I am more than holding my own in the labs we've taken here so far -- my previous experience is paying off. And in the meantime I can claim having gone to the course, which still sounds pretty impressive on a resume.

Speaking about "digesting material", we seem to be on the same lunch plan as last week -- with the vegetarian lasagna on the menu again today. Ugh. I've already paid for it so I figure I should eat it, but I felt slightly ill the rest of the afternoon.

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