Saturday, May 03, 2003

The Hazards of Ballet
First full day with Erika away (visiting her sister in Ottawa), but pretty much a regular Saturday really, as this is "Erika's day" when she traditionally leaves me in charge of the kids while she goes and gets things done for herself.

Got the kids bundled and headed off to Vanessa's Saturday "big kid" ballet class at 10:30am. Unfortunately, near the end of the class she had some sort of accident, likely tripping over something and falling on her right side, and getting a good bonk on the head in the process. I didn't witness it, but I was there for the aftermath: much crying and calling for her Mommy. Worst part was that she also kept complaining that she couldn't remember how it had happened – but after doing some checks to see if she remembered other things that we had done that morning, I figured she likely didn't have a minor concussion. It is possible that she had been momentarily knocked out – us Robertses seem to have a tendency towards that, and I can remember (so to speak) a couple of occasions where that had happened to me as a kid. When I got her home and settled, I put a call through to Erika's sister's place and Vanessa had a nice long comforting chat with her Mother. So did little Annie for that matter, who burbled into the phone for a long time while Erika talked to her.

The rest of the day was uneventful, deliberately so considering that Vanessa was still a bit fragile, and so we limited ourselves to local minor excursions in the area. Was pleasantly surprised at the lengthy line-up at the new close-by digs for Meat on the Beach, attesting to its popularity, where I picked up some bread and cookies for the kids. A neighbour I met there remarked that the new store is a lot more popular than the previous Marketta Artuso that previously occupied the same location. I think this store is going to go the distance...

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