Sunday, May 04, 2003

A Harnessed Trip to the Science Centre
As I had been promising to Vanessa for the past couple of days, we went off to visit the Science Centre today, yesterday's head bonk thankfully leaving no lingering effects on Vanessa. Annie was clearly dying to get out and have a good run around as well, since we didn't get out as much as I had originally planned to yesterday. Since Annie has been getting more and more daring in her mad dashes away from us, Erika picked up a kid harness and leash. It was put to good use at the Science Centre.

Though weather forecasts earlier in the week had suggested that this would be a rainy day, it instead turned out to be a gorgeous sunny day. So there weren't too many visitors to the Centre as usual, which is always a good thing from my perspective.

Annie was good up until lunchtime, and then , I guess powered by a belly full of food, she started wanting to dash about. Leash-time! This was the first time she had been tethered in this fashion. Not surprisingly, she is nowhere near as responsive to direction as say, a dog on a leash, though probably more so than a cat. ;-) More I just followed where she took me, though at least she could no longer go on a mad tear somewhere without me knowing about it. She didn't complain about it too much really. I took it off a few times – one when all she wanted to do was to run repeatedly through the vinyl "dangles" in the doorways of the photo strobe exhibit, and when she discovered that the curved bird's eye-view exhibit doubled as a good kid-sized slide. But thanks in part to the leash and harness Vanessa finally got to see all of the foundry demonstration she really wanted to see last time. Annie was full of energy throughout our visit there, and we finally left around 3pm, which is usually long into her normal nap-time. By the time we got back she was exhausted and she gratefully went down for a nap.

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