Tuesday, May 20, 2003
I think it is a phase, but Annie currently has a big thing about boots and shoes. She can say both words clearly, and often she likes nothing better than to go over to the shoe rack and try on everybody else's footwear. She especially seems to enjoy wearing anything belonging to her Mother or Father, and she will gleefully clunk around the house wearing either my slippers or Erika's sandals.
I suspect it is because it is one of the pieces of clothing she has direct control over – especially boots, which she can slip into all by herself. She is definitely little Miss Independent, and I think her being able to put on shoes and boots – with only occasional aid from the rest of us – makes a difference.
Erika recently picked up some showy yellow rubber boots for splashing in puddles with, and it has easily become her favourite thing to wear. Often she'll be walking around inside the house with them on, sporting a big toothy grin while doing so.
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