Friday, May 23, 2003

Party at Wendy and Nick's
This has become a real sign of an impending summer: the first major outdoor party at a neighbour's place. During the winter we don't seem to see as much of our neighbours as we usually do, so the party is a way to get re-acquainted with everybody and find out what's going on.

It was at the equivalent party last year at around this time that my cousin John and his girlfriend Faye got acquainted with everybody in the neighbourhood, and several people at the party were asking after them. And the batch of Painkiller I made went down well – none was left by the end of the party. There will undoubtedly be several hung-over people tomorrow morning.

I left with a tired Annie at about 8pm. I really ought to have arranged for a baby-sitter, since the party was just getting started.

But it was good to see everybody again.

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