New Site is Up!
It's been up for a few days now actually, but today I got several things accomplished on the site:
- Finished entering the data I have on basic CSS properties (a big job)
- Built a CSS property search engine
- Added pages to show the individual properties supported (and not supported) by a given browser
Still plenty of stuff to add, including basic things like adding my email address (which I'm going to hold off on adding until things are a bit more settled) and a user comment section to add browser-specific comments to a given property. I also discovered that the CSS columnar layout I'm using looks like hell in the Opera, Konqueror and Safari browsers, and I'll have to construct an object-based browser redirect to be able to handle this properly. Just as well for me that I'm writing an article for
WebReference about building such a mechanism – truly serendipitous. ;-)