Monday, February 23, 2004
When I got home from work this evening, there was a small magazine printed on newspaper stock open on the kitchen counter. I walk over to it and it turns out to be a print copy of Performance PC Canada, the magazine I’ve been writing for since the demise of The Computer Paper.
The magazine is currently published only in Vancouver, so I wouldn’t normally have a chance to see it. I asked the publisher if I could see a copy of the magazine, and what came in today’s mail is the result.
It was a nice surprise because Erika had opened the magazine to one of my reviews, a full-page affair with a nice pic of the new Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop Pro 2.0. This issue also contains the interview I did with the StarROMs co-founder, the one that got a minor Slashdot-ing the other day.
So far the magazine is small (this issue a grand total of 30 pages) but it features a good ratio of ads to articles. No big-name advertisers, but its still early days as yet. It reminds me a bit of the old Computer Paper, rather than its weird mutant offspring HUB, which last time I looked at it seemed to be 95%+ of ads and minimal content. Ugh. I may lay claim to some sour grapes, but nobody I know seems impressed by it.
So far I am not getting paid to do any of this, and my plan is the give them some more time to get established first. In the meantime I am happy to keep writing articles in a regular capacity, even if the only incentive so far is the occasional free gadget or book.
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