Tuesday, May 04, 2004
The fabled "Slashdot effect" has provided a real boost to my book's ranking on Amazon.com! When I checked it's ranking the morning before the Slashdot review, the book was hanging out in the relative doldrums, hovering around the 33,000s. The highest it got today is was just over 1,000 -- one heck of a boost! I have no idea as to how many actual books are being sold, but it has to be a substantial number.
One of the other good things about getting a (good) review on Slashdot's book section is that the references to the book tend to hang around the Slashdot site on one of its side-bars for months at a time. I couldn't ask for better advertising for the book.
I did post a reply to the Slashdot article late yesterday, countering some of the points others had made, but so far it hasn't been modded up to visibility (I think it has to hit at least a "3" or possibly a "4" at this stage for my comments to automatically be visible on-screen, instead of as a link).
Now that I've got the CSS Property listing database back and working properly on the CoreCSS.com Web site, I ought to update the compatibility listing there to include the latest browsers, especially FireFox (the latest Mozilla offshoot) and check out what's happening on the Safari/Konqueror front.
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