Thursday, July 01, 2004

Today we went to Sean and Sara's wedding, the bride the daughter of one of our neighbours. The father of the bride practices trumpet with Erika and they play in several of the same bands together, and Vanessa gets her piano lessons from one of the other daughters, so we were invited as friends of the family.
This was the first wedding our girls have been too, and the first Erika and I have been to since Michael V. and Josephine C.'s wedding almost 10 years ago. It was an enjoyably unorthodox wedding -- a bit like our own just over 13 years ago, though the dinner was not pot-luck as ours had been, though it also ended up being staged in a place with pool tables. ;-)
In addition to wearing white the bride also came in wearing wings, and her ring-bearer was their faithful, ancient family dog, who trotted on the other side of the bride from her Father as she walked down the aisle. I think the wings weren't there to symbolize her angelic nature (though I could be wrong), but a nice little in-joke since she was marrying a pilot. The wedding and reception were held in the downstairs section of The Academy of Spherical Arts, which is a very upscale pool hall.
The ceremony itself was brief, and everything went very well -- the dog did not forget the ring. ;-) Afterwards I spent much of my time tending to the kids as much as possible, who found inventive new ways of playing billiards, (all thankfully without the use of cues).
As a result I tended to speak mainly with the few other parents in attendance, but I did get the chance to talk to the groom, and asked him if there was any significant to the wedding day. Turns out that their first date was on a Canada Day, he proposed to her on Canada Day, so it only made sense that their wedding be on this day as well.
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