Sunday, October 03, 2004

ROM 'n' Audrey
Busy day, yesterday.

Erika is currently working on a horror film for Shepperton studios, and horror films mean lots of late-night shoots. Yesterday we were we both "ships passing in the night", I leaving for work in the morning as she pulls up in the laneway parking spot in her van, and when I returned in the evening there she was pulling out of our street in the self same van.

Consequently, she sleeps during the day. Or kids are not however nocturnal by nature and so I was determined to get the girls out of the house in order to give their mother some peace and quiet so she could sleep.

My Aunt Audrey had asked me earlier in the week to come over to her place in order to fix her computer, and since she lives close to the ROM, and it was a rainy day – need I say more?

Annie was all keen to see the dinos, so that’s where we spent the majority of our time. That's where I took the following photos, which I stitched together into a couple of panoramas.

Hadrosaur Room
Hadrosaur Room

Final Dino Room in Gallery
Final Dino Room in Gallery

The interesting thing about the second mosaic is that it is missing a dino – some small-headed stegosaur-type dino that is on the verge of being attacked. There’s an obvious gap where it used to be, and I didn’t see any explanation as to its current whereabouts. There have been a few minor changes to the dino galleries over the years, and perhaps there is another one in the works.

We ran into a Saturday Morning Club grouping that was making its way through the dino gallery, and the entertaining young guide talked about the various bones assemblies on display, starting at the T-rex and moving back along that gallery. Annie quickly got bored but Vanessa was having a blast with the commentary, including preening male dinos looking flashy and doing a dino dance to get that dino date with the cute dino chick. Okay, you had to be there. ;-) In a couple of years when Vanessa is old enough, I’ll have to look into this program for her.

After lunch, we walked over to my Aunt Audrey’s place and I set out to set things right with her computer. Thankfully it was all pretty straight-forward stuff for me, but it did take some time. Audrey had a brainwave earlier in the week and made a visit to the local dollar store where she got a bag full o' goodies to keep the girls occupied while I worked away. By mid-afternoon my job was done there, and I took the girls home, both happy and tired. Me too! ;-)

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