Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Today's the day I first heard that term, though I well understand the concept, having been a Blackberry user since last month, when I was given one from work. I was handed one shortly after my manager went on his paternity leave, and now I rarely travel without it. I've never been much of a cell phone person, and I guess I ultimately gravitate more to textual forms of communication -- so the Blackberry is now my latest fave tech gadget. In addition to email and the occasional cell phone call on it, I like using it for note-taking. This very entry has been wholly composed on one (and edited/spell-checked later in Word prior to posting). At this point it would be hard for me to give it up -- so the nickname "Crackberry" is appropriate.
I do have some rules though: while I do check emails after work hours, I do not feel slavishly attached to having it on all of the time, nor feel I have to respond to every email that comes my way through it. It is ultimately a tool, not a way of life.
Can't forget the sketch I saw late last month at The Frantics show showing the effects of "e-withdrawal". The sketch is simply called "Blackberry". It was a hilarious sketch about some managerial types being stripped of their communication devices, and how at least one of them went through withdrawal during the subsequent board meeting. Like all truly funny things, there's more than a little bit of truth to it.
My Blackberry is not being turned on all Thanksgiving long weekend. Well, maybe just the once, to check and see what's happening. Just once, really... ;-)
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