Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Frantics Project
Had the day off yesterday in order to further extend the long weekend for myself.

Met with Paul Chato of The Frantics at his office to discuss an "Antholgy" project he has asked me to work on. I'm not at liberty to discuss details, but long-time fans of their old radio shows from the mid-80s are in for a treat.

It's always fun to meet with Paul. From what I gather the web development market is booming again, and business is good. Paul is having a blast doing comedy again, and is currently working on a re-draft of their classic "Fran of the Fundy" series. Can't reveal details, but a good part of the time we spent together had him telling me where he wanted to go with it, and me lapping it up.

I also came away with copies of their latest "official bootleg" CD, which is derived from their June 30th show, which I was at. Wonder if I’ll be able to pick out my own hysterical laughing on the CD? ;-)

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