Saturday, April 02, 2005

Took the Kids to the Zoo
Today was my first full Saturday with the kids since my Saturday morning course at the PLC finished, and Erika was working on a film. So very much a "Daddy day".

I'd mentioned the possibility of heading to the zoo to the kids a couple of days before, and there was no dissuading them to go anywhere else. Annie was practically vibrating with excitement in anticipation.

I discovered that taking a Go Train there would shave a considerable amount of travel time there, and of course just added to the thrill of getting there for the girls.

It was a lousy day weather-wise, a mix of rain and slushy snow -- pretty much a perfect day to head to the zoo, since there would be next to no crowds and that is exactly how things worked out. Just had to dash from one indoor pavilion to another. I renewed our family membership for a year, prompting the girls to ask when we could come again even before we had seen anything of the zoo proper.

It had been long enough to Annie that I think a lot of the place seemed as new to her, or only dimly remembered. Both she and Vanessa were keen to dash from one thing to the next, but every now and then something would captivate them, such as Vanessa exclaiming at seeing the bats and finding a colourful bird in the undergrowth that no-one else had spotted, or like the standing peering Meerkat separated from a face-glued Annie by a mere pane of glass.

I think my own personal favourite exhibit at the zoo these days is the Cichlid panoramic aquarium in the Africa pavilion, its teaming masses of colourful fish teasing the eye with iridescent colours as they dance in the water.

Got home in the late afternoon with two very tired but satisfied little girls, who would have plenty to tell their mother the following morning.

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