Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Have decided today not to renew the corecss.com domain, which I setup up a couple of years ago to support my last book. I have sent a couple of pitches to my editor at Prentice Hall about the possibility of doing a third edition, but haven't heard anything back. I find this a bit surprising since I know that the last two books have turned a profit for the publisher, and given impending functional changes with the advent of IE 7, not to mention the work on the CSS3 development front that the recent versions of FireFox. But if I cannot even get a response to a simple email asking whether or not I should renew the site out of my own pocket, there's obviously little interest in continuing further
Will try another attempt to get in contact with an actual person at PH by phone, but failing that I will simply let the site run until its domain expires at the end of the month. Before that happens will post a note to that effect on the site and will freely hand out the PHP code and the MySQL database file that the site is based on, in the hope that someone else can make use of the code and hopefully find the time to update it.
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