Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Pre-Purchased the Forthcoming Harry Potter Book
On my way home from work this evening I went into my local bookstore and put my money down to pre-purchase the forthcoming HP book, due out this Saturday.

I've noticed that, for whatever reason, the publicity machine is definitely not in full gear this time around. Perhaps it has to do with a concern about HP media saturation, or perhaps the interest simply isn't there this time around, given the over-long, dragging pace of the last book. Or perhaps they realized they misfired on the hype machine last time around, setting expectations to high for what is still ostensibly considered a children's book (though anyone still believing that to be the case is a stick-in-the-mud for putting things into their own category boxes). Or maybe the coming book isn't as good, and the publishers know it.

Hopefully it is a combination of the first two factors, and I certainly know that I am not as keen to get the new title. I pre-paid due to the 15% discount, which is a deal we're not likely to see again until Xmastime at the earliest. I am not a likely candidate for picking up the book one minute after midnight on Saturday from my local bookstore.

But hey, I do want to know what happens next. In the end, I am not ashamed of admitting to admit I enjoy a good character-driven narrative story. ;-)

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