Monday, July 18, 2005
Took the day off today in order to extend my weekend and get some errands done (including burning CDs of the course material for everyone in my most recent Info Architecture class).
Picked up my copy of the latest Harry Potter book from the local bookstore. There was a sign on the door saying to go to the back, where I spied a waist height stack of boxes, the remainder of what have must been a much taller stack from the weekend. I handed over my recepit and signed my name to a many-paged listing of all the other people who had also reserved copies.
I also found a copy online of the book as read by Jim Dale, which I loaded onto my iPod. Listened to a few minutes of it, again appreciating how good a reader he is. Was relieved that he now pronounces "Hermione" properly, instead of the "Her-manny" aloud spoken in previous versions.
On my way to class, I noticed not one but two people who had their respectives noses buried in the book as they were walking up St. George street, oblivious to all save the book. Saw several other copies being read on the subway car ride to the campus as well.
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