Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Managed to arrange for a work-at-home day in order to escort Annie to her first day (half-day really) at public school. She's being going to a private kindergarten/enrichment program three days a week at Healthy Earth for at least a year, so in many ways this is not a huge transition. But still, I wanted to be there for her first day. I was there for Vanessa's first day (also at Kew Beach school), and I wanted to be there for Annie's too.
Erika had put her into a new pink dress with matching shoes, and put a similarly coloured ribbon in her hair. Very cute. There was some nervousness, as she lined up and then headed in after the school bell rang, but she was quickly introduced to the other children, most of whom have already been there for several days under the staggered-introduction routine they do at the school for new Kindergarten students.
There was a bit of a kafuffle at pick-up. I had been told to come and get her at 11:30am, but it turns out release time was 11:15am. I went down to the main office where I met her, none the worse. She happily burbled away about what she did, which was spent primarily in the gym playing various games. Treated her to a lunch at Lick's to celebrate. Sounds like she had a good time at "big kid" school. ;-)
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