Monday, December 12, 2005

Vanessa Swallows a Quarter
While playing around in the bath, somehow Vanessa managed to swallow a quarter. Still not exactly sure how, as I didn't witness it, but a very panicky Vanessa started to choke, but then it seemed to have made its way down her throat to her stomach. She threw up shortly afterwards, more from being freaked out than anything else, but no quarter came back up (which is probably just as well).

She was reassured somewhat by my story of having swallowed a toy car tire when I was a kid. I threw it up in a doctor's waiting room.

She has a sore throat, and it turns out after some research that the coin will not likely pose a problem (I seemed to remember hearing that swallowing an American penny was particularly bad, as it is largely zinc and can be poisonous. But there are no poisoning issues with a Canadian quarter.)

Now we just have to check her stool for the next few days to be sure it has not lodged in her system anywhere. And if it doesn't arrive after about a week, a visit to the doctor (and likely an x-ray) will be needed.

She's not likely to do that again.

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