Friday, January 27, 2006

Vanessa's Skating Party
For her 8th birthday, Erika had arranged an ice skating party for Vanessa and her friends. I arranged to work from home in order to be able to help out with loading and unloading supplies at the end of the day, when the party was scheduled to happen.

We got to Ted Reeve arena, which is the closest indoor skating rink to us at about 4:30pm. We set up all of the chairs and tables in the heated enclosed dining area above the rink. With help from Nida and the girls, we were set up in next to no time, and were ready when the first of Vanessa's friends arrived with all of their skating gear at 5pm.

We had a full hour of ice time. I laced up a few boots, and with camera in hand I went onto the rink myself, (sans skates -- I haven't skated in years).

It was great seeing the kids having such fun. There were clearly a few kids who don't get to do this too much who relished the opportunity to skate and learn from their friends. Vanessa glided effortlessly across the ice, and it was good to see little Annie do so well, though she had her share of spills. Erika can skate well, though has problems with stopping.

At the end of the hour on the ice, it was time for the party proper. Much pizza, pretzels, Kool-Aide and cake were happily and readily consumed. Now full of sugar, most of the kids went tearing around the area playing tag. There must have been plenty of happily tired kids that night.

After the clean-up we took Vanessa to the house of one of her friends from the party, who was having a sleep-over party. She was reportedly one of the first girls to crash out.

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