Sunday, September 03, 2006
Second rainy day of the long weekend. Erika's portable hard drive that she uses in her work had died, so she suggested we head to the bevy of computer stores just west of Spadina on College Street in order to replace it, and have a dim sum lunch while we were at it.
We headed to the Bright Pearl, where Erika and the girls had apparently had a dim sum lunch with her Father some time ago. It was just after 1pm when we arrived, so the lunchtime crowd was just beginning to ebb and head out. We were told a table for four would take half an hour, but in the end something opened up in about 15 minutes or less. The girls didn't mind the wait, mesmerized by the various dumplings and treats that were being heated up in the overflow food preparation area.
Vanessa enthusiastically chowed down, Annie less so. They had spicy steamed squid there, which is one of my favourites, something that always seems to surprise the waitresses at these places. Many dumplings were happily consumed.
Afterwards, seemingly almost as an afterthought, we picked up the new portable hard drive for Erika. I noted that the prices in the store we ended up at were not on the whole any cheaper or offered significantly more selection than the places near where I work in Markham.
Driving home we could hear the sustained loud roar of airplanes buzzing the CNE grounds as part of the annual Air Show. While on the Gardiner we saw a huge Hercules, seemingly just a few hundred feet off the ground, slowly bank and turn parallel to where we were driving. Condensation formed around its wings intermittently as it flew, an effect I had only seen on airplane documentaries. It was very impressive seeing something that large in the air.
Labels: CNE Air Show, dim sum, hard drive, Hercules
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