Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Girls Go Back to School

Erika is currently working on the second unit of The Incredible Hulk and told the kids last week that she would not be able to escort them to their first day of school. Crying ensued, and so I volunteered to take them myself, arriving at the office much later than usual.

A major milestone for us, as this year Annie enters Grade 1 and is now in school full-time. Vanessa enters Grade 4, though lamenting that her best friends are in another teacher's class.

Despite that there were several happy reunions and much hugging and "what did you do over the summer?" as Annie and Vanessa got reacquainted with school chums they hadn't seen in a while.

We had to leave early as Erika had received conflicting reports as to when the bus for Annie's school was to arrive. Turns out one of the other parents at the drop off point knew, which was 8:29, a mere 6 minutes prior to the school opening (pushed back almost half an hour over last year's start time for some reason). A bus came along at the right time, but it turned out it was for a different school, so Annie and her friends narrowly escaped going to an entirely different school altogether. When her bus did come (a bit late as the driver wasn't sure of the route) Annie was very stoic and hopped on the bus to her friends to start her first day in non-Kindergarten.

I tied up Yo-Bob by the Kew Beach School fence and then escorted Vanessa to her school, locating the line of kids she was to enter her class with. She fought back a tear and gave me a quick hug and kiss before joining the throng and disappearing into the school entrance for her first day of Grade 4.

Took Yo-Bob home and gave Erika a quick call to tell her how things went, and then got on my way to work, marveling at how fast kids seem to grow up.

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